The public portal works with a set of 6 files, the structure and relations are described here
Most of the files will remain stable for a while because they define the structure of the portal.
- Categories
- Category_groups
- Locations
- Facility_types
are defined in the first deploy of the portal and will only be changed if there are structural changes that need to be done. (e.g. organize categories into new groups add/remove categories, add/remove locations, etc.)
The files that will usually change are Facilities and Facility_categories every time there's new data collected these two files will change.
Step 1: prepare files
ONA Files
To upload new data collected in ONA first you need to download the data from ONA.
In the ONA project overview tab you need to click on Prepare Data Export
Then click on "Show advanced export options" and use this setting:
After clicking in export csv you'll be able to download the file from the overview tab.
Locations file
The locations file works as a hierarchy to organize the labs geographically.
It looks like this:
Each region or city belongs to a country. Oromia belongs to Ethiopia and Yaounde to Cameroon.
If you are uploading new data you will need to check the ONA file under the city column and make sure that all the content is present in locations.
Mapping file
mapping csv does the hard work to integrate the ona file with the information needed by the portal, it has 4 columns:
- Categories: holds the name of the category as defined in categories.csv file
- Data_column: holds the complete name of the column from ONA that corresponds to each category
- True values: defines all the values from the ONA column for which the category will be considered existent(true) if nothing match it will be considered non-existent(false)
- False values: defines the values from the ONA column for which the category will be considered non-existent(false) if nothing match it will be considered existent(true)

Step 2: upload files
Once you login into the portal you will click on Dataset in the left menu
Then you will see two tabs with data: if you are importing data from ONA you will need to select the ona tab, if you are importing data from other sources select the RAW tab
In RAW and ONA tab see some data loaded (if it's the first time it will be sample data).
Before importing new data we strongly suggest to backup the existing data
The upload action will be done just by dragging and dropping the files inside the tab.
To upload the files you need to check that the files you will upload have the exact same name as the files in the tab.
If you try to upload files with other names the system will not allow you, it you show an error message saying 'Unknown file'
If you upload the files with the correct name they will update the existing files and you'll see that the size and date of the files will be updated.
in this image you can see that 4 files were updated and 2 remain unchanged.
In the ONA tab you will also see 6 files, 4 are equal to the RAW tab (locations, category_groups, facility_types, categories) the other two are data.csv and mapping.csv.
data.csv is the ona dataset you want to import and mapping is the file that explains to the portal how to deal with data.csv.
Step 3: Importing files
Once the files are uploaded you will need to click the import button to start the importing process.
During the importing process details will be shown inside the tab as in a console.
If the importing process fails you will see the details of the errors in the console, you can copy and paste them and share with the administrative team and/or use those details to solve the issues in the files.
If there an error in the importing process no change will be applied in the portal
If the process is successful you will see the MAP button in the bottom right corner, if you click it you'll be able to see the map.
If there's any issue and you need to go back to the previous version, just go back to the tabs and add the files that you have previously backed up.